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Perfect 10

2013, Interactive Installation

Perfect 10 is a commentary on the fast-growing trend among young women in Asia to get plastic surgery. The statistic shows that, in South Korea, one in five women have gone under the knives in pursuit of the ideal appearance which is racialized with the Angelophied standards of beauty – double-lidded eyes, straight pointy nose, slender legs…etc. The latter surgery is especially horrifying. The procedure actually severs a nerve in the leg to make the muscle atrophy, causing a more slender look.

This artwork has been exhibited worldwide including showings at the New York Hall of Science (New York), the Museum at FIT (New York), and East Gallery (Taipei).

It is an old and tired debate to weigh the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery or define the meaning of beauty. Perfect 10 solved the problem by creating a catalog of facial features from 30 famous Asian actresses and supermodels, which can generate 27,000 different combinations. The viewer could randomize their looks in the mirror by simply shouting into the microphone.